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Hamster foods

Many people who want to keep hamsters ask, what is the appropriate food for hamsters? We need to remember that hamster comes from sub-tropical grasslands. Thus, predictable that where she came from hamsters eat seeds. Only by giving one type of feed the hamster is unwise, because the hamster's nutritional needs would not be fulfilled. Here is a suitable feed for the hamsters:


Peanuts are high in fat. Peanut important to make a hamster feel full. Fat will be stored for energy reserves. Provision of peanuts should not be too much. It is important to avoid obesity in hamsters. In addition, excess fat can cause heart attacks.

Sunflower Seed

sunflower nut very well liked. Most people identify sunflower seeds as the only hamster food. Yet this is not true. Just give hamsters with sunflower seeds will cause hamsters are malnourished and obesity as sunflower seeds high in fat. Like giving peanut, sunflower seeds given should be limited. It is true that hamsters love sunflower seeds, however, it is wise if we are to control their appetite. Sunflower seeds can also be used to tame hamsters. By providing sunflower seeds using our hands, over time the hamster will get used to our hands and it gets easier to hold.


Soybean seeds are rich in protein. Providing good soybean given to hamsters in order to grow and thrive. In addition, dried soy beans good for hamsters because sharpen teeth hard. Please note Word press hamster teeth continue to grow and needs to be sharpened so that not too long.

Green beans

Green beans have lots of vitamins in it. Vitamins are absolutely necessary for a regulator substance in the body. Hard green beans are good for sharpening the teeth hamsters.

Red rice
Brown rice contains many carbohydrates. Carbohydrates as a source of energy needed to perform various activities. If hamsters lack of carbohydrates, energy needs will be taken from fat, so that over time can be a thin hamsters. Red rice is also good for brain development.


Grains such as rice is the main source of carbohydrates. Providing enough grain to ensure the hamster's energy needs will be fulfilled. In addition, the provision in the form of grain, ensuring a hamster eat grain husk, which is rich in pro-vitamin D.


Concentrate is a mixture of different types of food that was mixed by the manufacturer. Giving concentrate is also important to meet the balanced nutritional needs. Provision must be accompanied by the provision of concentrated drinking enough water because it usually concentrates cause thirst.


Carrots are one of the best vegetables for hamsters. Carrots contain substances that can prevent cancer. Carrot carrot offered was a large local and in fresh condition but still young (not woody). Carrots are not recommended because it imports allegedly containing preservatives and pesticides to keep up appearances hamsters. Giving carrots also keeps for eye health, particularly in the albino hamster / red eyes. Hamster-known red-eyed hamsters susceptible to cataracts. If the hamster cages are drinking bottles, food delivery is 1 slice of carrot per cow. If the cage was not given a bottle to drink, giving carrots can also be used as a substitute for drinking water. Syrian hamsters were given for 3 slices of carrots per cow per day. As for mini hamsters, just 2 slices of carrots per cow per day. For pregnant and lactating hamsters, needs to give more. Changing the drinking water with the carrots is not recommended because it can cause continuous hamster cage urine and scent faster. This method may be applied to emergency conditions, for example: broken water bottle.

Tip: to maintain the quality of carrots that are not quickly decay, select a large carrot and smooth. Do not wash carrots. cut both ends of the carrots before storage. Both ends of the carrot is the first point of decay. Store in sealed container (such as jars), and put in the refrigerator. Carrots will not lose its quality.

Bean sprouts

Sprouts are sprouts from green beans. Enough given little sprouts every day. Sprouts contain lots of vitamin K is good for maintaining the fertility of hamsters.


All living things need water. So did hamsters. Although the hamsters from the prairie regions of minimal water, hamsters still need water. Water can be given in a hamster water bottle can be purchased on the market. In the emergency needs, water can be replaced with carrots. Water needs will increase dramatically during hamster pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.
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