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how to understand your hamster

Hamsters including types of rodents. There are several types of hamsters are spread throughout the world, including Syrian hamsters are the most commonly known and Little Russian Hamster.

He is a nocturnal animal, who slept during the day and is active in the afternoon and evening. Bad eye sight, but smell and sharp hearing.

He has the cheek pouch that can expand, where she kept the food will be brought to the nest.

Syrian hamster comes from the desert in the Middle East where he lived in holes in the dunes is the most common type kept as they may be held by small children with ease. Adult animals measuring 17-22 cm long.

Little Campbell Russian hamster comes from the prairie of Central Asia (Russia, Mongolia and the northwestern part of China).

Adult animals measuring 10-12 cm long, females slightly longer than the males. Average age of 2 to 2 ½ years, although he could live a little longer.

In many countries (especially in America and Europe), the hamster is now a small pet that is very popular.


Hamsters kept in cages, made of wire or glass aquarium. Because of sharp teeth, wood or bamboo are used inappropriately. Cage floor was covered with shavings need a saw or rice husk can absorb urine. Swatch Swatch-paper can be provided as a nest. He will hoard food and put the baby (if any) in this nest.

Hamster is an animal who likes cleanliness. If the cage is big enough, he will use one corner of the cage as a toilet and another angle as a nest.


Hamster food in general is grains (rice / rice, bread, corn) and vegetables (like carrots, cucumbers and beans). High protein foods such as meat or milk, are also important, especially when the babies or growing in hamster mothers who are pregnant or are having a baby If the food contains enough fluids, drinking water is not needed.

Hamsters have a cheek pouch in which he gathered food. He pushed the food into a bag that will expand and take it to the nest. Here food was issued to the shock. Layer in the cheek pouch is very soft, so that food can hurt him sharp.

Besides, he needs to get extra protein, such as or pellets.


Hamsters have an average baby 8. But she could give birth to 16 babies at once.

In general, he began to give birth after the age of 3-4 months, although sometimes there is also the beginning gave birth to the age of 1 month. Babies can be born every 3 weeks, if the mother's health condition good enough hamsters.
Bad food (eg lack of protein) will result in busy looking for additional proteins by eating her own baby (cannibals).


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