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Nutrition and Diet for Hamster

Hamster Treat (snack or meal break) could be a special and useful at the same time. Additional fruit and vegetables has been registered, there are several other foods that can be considered to be a treat hamsters, but the dietitian considers materials nutritious dietary supplement. Like:

Eggs: Hamsters love hard-boiled eggs and egg contains high protein. Boiled eggs good for mothers who are pregnant hamsters and children are still young. But somehow, the egg should be given once in a while. Eggs that are not eaten within 24 hours after being given. must be removed from the cage so that the eggs do not rot in the cage.

Fish Oil: Rich in vitamins A and D, a few drops of fish oil that dripped on the hamster food can be given once a week.

Meat: Providing meat for the hamster has been debated for years. Some people believe the provision will encourage the emergence of the meat-eater properties within hamster. However, there are some reports of the breeders who provide the meat regularly and never had (had) a cannibal hamsters. Meat can be given a small piece of beef or lamb meat (avoid giving pork), canned dog food or meal worms, which is a favorite hamster.

Milk: the fundamental problem of feeding the milk should be given in a container, which can be shed. Milk can become stale in a relatively fast if the weather is hot. Because of these problems, milk is rarely given to hamsters. Good milk given to mothers who are pregnant hamsters, hamsters children, and a sick hamster. Be sure to remove the container and wash thoroughly before the milk becomes stale.

Mixed Bird Food: Another ideal supplement it, is the grain sold for canaries and budgerigars. Giving can be done once a week by mixing it with food a hamster or a teaspoon full.

Monkey Food: The food quality monkey was packed with many nutrients such as: corn, basil Gan dung, eggs, yeast to make beer, a variety of proteins, etc.. Like other treats, it is recommended to not give it more than once a week. As for the cat treats and dog biscuits, monkey food is also good to sharpen the teeth hamsters.

Leaven: Rich in vitamin B are beneficial for the nervous system and is useful for reducing stress. (Stress is the main cause that led to hamsters exposed to the disease, his particular wet tail). Provision of yeast once a week, very good to prevent many diseases. Give a handful of nutritional yeast once a week. (Yeast is not nutritious and hamsters bitter taste you will like the taste). As an alternative, yeast tablets that can be found in the pet shop for dogs and cats, can be given once a week. (When providing this yeast tablets, use plain yeast tablets, do not contain garlic, because garlic is too hard for the hamster kidney).


Placed on the floor of the cage or in a bowl (container)? Due to the hamster known as hider (diggers), many opinions that say that his food is better placed on the floor of the cage. Conversely, if you can get used to getting their food in the container, the hamster will see the food in the container as "heaps of food" and they do not feel the need to dig because of the continuous food supply. Mother hamsters are usually brought little food we have provided to the nest for her children and a few hamsters that carry food into the nest as a snack when they sleep all day.

If the food in place in container of food, it will show whether the hamster ate the food or not. But if the food was just put in a cage (without food containers), then we will not be able to tell if hamsters eat food or not. Seeds that do not run out (the rest of the food containers), each day must be discarded and replaced by new ones.

DIET hamsters balanced

Well-balanced diet provides all the necessary ingredients to keep hamsters remained in good health. Some require additional food from other foods so the body can utilize food effectively.

Basic ingredients for a balanced diet are:
1. Protein
2. Carbohydrates and Fats
3. Vitamins
4. Mineral
5. White Water

Protein: It is beneficial for growth and is especially important for pregnant hamsters and hamster kids. A good source of protein is barley's (a kind of grain used for beer), beans, corn, beans, wheat and peas.

Carbohydrates and Fats: Provides energy and body heat, but if consumed in excess will be stored in the body as fat which can lead to obesity, which will cause a problem for breeding and health issues. Sources of carbohydrates include: sugar, yeast, potatoes and milk. Carbohydrate source is also a source of fat include: barley's (a kind of wheat used for beer), maize, and wheat.

Vitamins: Only a few vitamins are needed, but they are required to keep your hamster healthy. Lack of vitamins can cause several health problems.

1. Vitamin A
Source: Carrots, Dandelions (sort of yellow flower of grass), green vegetables, hay.
As a result, if deficiencies: Diarrhea, slow growth.

2. Vitamin B
Source: Bacteria wheat, yeast, meat, liver.
As a result, if deficiencies: Diarrhea, slow growth.
Vitamin D affects the nervous system and the provision of regularly can effectively treat stress. One of the main causes of many illnesses, particularly wet tail.

3. Vitamin C
Source: Vegetables and fresh fruits.
As a result, if deficiencies: skin disease (scabies), the body is swollen.

4. Vitamin D
Source: Fish oil, bacteria, wheat, green vegetables.
Result if the deficiency: rickets.

5. Vitamin E
Source: bacteria wheat, green vegetables.
As a result, if deficiencies: skin disorders, poor reproductive system.
Minerals: Minerals are also needed with only very small amounts. Mineral resources include: milk, vegetables and rice seeds.
White Water: Better put in a hamster water bottle placed in the container compared. Because the water in the container can easily be shed.


Louis said...

That is one fat hamster! I used to own three hamsters a long long time ago. Thanks for sharing these useful information!

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