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how to care for hamsters

Here are some common mistakes made by beginners hamster owners:

1.give them vegetables, carrots or fresh corn as the main menu. Believe me this will only hurt you! Digestion hamsters are not designed to digest foods that contain high humidity like this. If you do not believe it, try to carefully state your hamster cage, is it always looks wet and dirty? This resulted from the provision of fresh vegetables that you give every day! Try changing your hamsters diet more in line with the dry hamster food you can find in the pet store or supermarket. In Indonesia are available and some brands such as: Ultra Blend, XtraVital, Vitakraft, Hamsfood, Hagen, Minimal Goods, Hartz, Nutriblocks, and many others. You can just select them in accordance with the financial and your hamster needs.


2. put sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds as food supplements. "Hamsters I like sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, otherwise they would not eat anything else." Perhaps you do not know if you love this act actually even kill your hamster. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds is one of the easier foods preferred by hamsters, but the provision of large amounts of lead several things including: obesity, lack of calcium so that bones and teeth growth becomes inhibited, abnormalities in the birth process (this is due to fat content is too high on sunflower seeds). The most common case is the last place, abnormalities in the birth process. These abnormalities result in miscarriage hamster babies that claimed the soul of the mother and her children. So be careful in feeding your hamster! Love is not "spoil! milk powder or liquid for human milk in hamsters. Some people do this and they complain that their hamster fur became thin and fall out. It has not proven clinically but it's better to prevent than to cure. Formulated milk for people to be better human beings should not be given to the animals. Use the special milk for the hamsters! That's much better. Besides giving this milk also does not show impressive benefits but feeding routine is even much trouble you. snack too much. Snack should be given only once a week, if too often ... you'll lose've bought hamster food for not fully consumed. Just like a child who was given a choice between vegetables and his favorite cake, hamsters would prefer his favorite snack. But once again we could not feed chocolate cake every day as the primary food for our children right?

Similarly, hamsters! Providing a snack too often will result in nutritional imbalances which had actually been weighed and studied in particular by the experts who have hamster food mix. This would have a negative effect later on, especially when hamsters give birth and breastfeeding. If you feel 'not stand' and want to snack more than once a week, you can weigh the wisdom of snacks that you provide. In accordance with the hamster digestive system is less able to accept the food with high humidity levels choose snacks that 'dry' as beans, bread, biscuits, cereal and others. Was to give fruit once a week. Fourth. Ie drink from the hamster itself. Hamsters get water from vegetables. or as you too often give Prepare specials vegetables hamsters drink bottles sold in the pet store. Oh yes do not forget. Hamster drink water in the cooking water taps do not cation remaining germs. Cleanliness should also cleaned a bottle. Do not also provide human milk milk cation only hamsters. Oh yes the bottle should not leak. home flood again later.
The Fifth.

Other tips.

1. Hamster Never was wet. May still be bathed but do not get wet because the hamster is really very sensitive. if already wet to dry immediately. actually hamster has a way for a bath .
2. Do male and female hamsters in one cage. Was predictable they would fight . Bet! So should be separate . For slowly mating their first might be fight .
3. Any questions leave comments! .
4. List ignorance

1.Hamster dried under the sun. Hamsters are nocturnal animals. They are a nocturnal animal. In the wild they sleep during the day in those holes that can reach depths of 10 to 20 meters below the ground surface and coming out at night to find food. So they do not need sunlight. Few enough ... No need to 'dried'.

2.Hamster washed with water. Hamsters are vulnerable to water and humidity. Hamster comes from the dry desert. If your hamster is healthy and in prime condition may get wet no problem, but if the conditions are affected by declining water can mean death for them. Wet hamster should be dried quickly or they got the flu, then continued to pneumonia and ended in death. So do not take the risk to action this unnecessary.

Hamster parent 3. separates of her babies. It sounds stupid but believe many people who do not intentionally do this because of their fear of the gossip about the 'hamster-eating children'. Mother hamster healthy and quite friendly with humans will not eat children for no apparent reason! So do not separate mothers and babies because the babies would die quickly from cold and do not get milk.

4.Hamster fell from a height. If your hamster is new, try to hold the hamster in a sitting position so if you fall hamster will not be too high. This is the most common mistakes people make. Hamsters of the new arrivals are still feels foreign to you and with the environment and tends to jump suddenly. So you have to anticipate this before


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